⭐️ News from Nougat We hope that, in the near futu..
⭐️ News from Nougat
We hope that, in the near future, little Nougat will be able to join a loving and peaceful home, which we are already actively looking for.
A family that will show patience by letting Nougat come to her of her own will, without trying to force or rush physical contact.
As agreed, last Wednesday, Mrs. Marie Christine Lecchi, canine educator specializing in canine behavior, met Nougat. Making initial contact was difficult, as Nougat has a great fear of human contact. However we were able to walk it Outside, Nougat shows no signs of aggression and remains perfectly calm when meeting other dogs. Mrs. Lecchi then talked again with her owner, giving her several tips, including taking Nougat out at least twice a day to relax him and meet his vital needs.
He will also be given temporary treatment to help him cope with his extreme stress.
This little grandpa deserves to be happy. Together, let’s give him a second chance filled with tenderness and happiness.
We’re counting on you!
🔸️If you can host him, please send an email with your phone number to [email protected]
Together everything is possible 🍀
Thank you for him
The A.J.P.L.A Team