Recruiting for multiple household positions in Mon..
Recruiting for multiple household positions in Monaco, to start this fall. 🌞
Please follow these instructions to apply:
Email your CV (with a photo and descriptions of your tasks) to [email protected]
Important: in the email, include the details of your work permit, your current situation, the type of job you want and the pay range you need for full-time work, if you’ll work on the weekend and what time off you’ll need, and what you estimate your skill level to be in a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being beginner and 10 being super-expert) for these skills:
Cooking (please also provide details)
Basic Laundry
Delicate Laundry (whites, stains, delicate, designer clothing)
Caring for Pets (please also provide details)
Nutrition and elder care
Children / nanny tasks
Tending to Plants / Gardening
Speaking English
Speaking French
Driving a Car